Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Before & After

This before was a few weeks after I had my son in August 2011! The After is from around April -May of last year(2011).
I went from over 210 pounds to 148, I ate healthy and stuck to a strict workout schedule. I would alternate between TurboFire & Jillian Michaels! Jillian is a beast as well as Challene! I am still working to a goal of 120-125, I would like to tone up big time and get leaner. Im not perfect I have my down falls, and I slip up sometimes and eat something I shouldn't but we are all human. As long as you don't beat yourself up over those extra calories you shouldn't have eaten but did, it won't mess up your progress. You have to realize it happens and to just work extra hard the next day or that day to make up for whatever it is you splurged on! I drink about 90 oz of water a day! A lot right? I feel like I'm part fish because I have to constantly drink water haa its just so refreshing! Everyday I take 1 to 2,  3-5 mile walks! Sometimes I like to do a HIIT Run where I ran as fast as humanly possible for 1 minute, then I jog for 1 minute and I repeat this for about 15-20 minutes. I eat lots of fruits and veggies and healthy grains! I try to go as Organic and Vegan as possible. I do not eat any pasta, bread, junk food, etc. I do not drink juice or soda or flavored waters or energy drinks JUST WATTTTTTER OR GREEN TEA OR SOME KIND OF HERBAL TEA (without sugar or sweeteners) that's just how I like my tea. I  stay away from processed foods, and sugary foods. I do AB exercises EVERYDAY! the more Cardio you do the more fat you burn off, and when you burn all that fat off you have fantastic abs and that's what I'm aiming for.

Here are more recent pics since this is pretty old!
Just tooken last week or week before?

This was New Years! 2012

March 2012

My main reason for this blog is to document my progress! & also share it with yall and hopefully help out some of you guys on your journey to a healthier you! & so that we can pretty much support each other. Because with a GREAT Support System you can do a lot more then you can alone!

Id love to see anyones progress photos! or hear your stories to feature them on my Blog!!!! 

You can write a comment in the blog and please leave your email address!!!

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